The average house price on OAK TREE CLOSE is £383,030
The most expensive house in the street is 5 OAK TREE CLOSE with an estimated value of £391,045
The cheapest house in the street is 21 OAK TREE CLOSE with an estimated value of £365,446
The house which was most recently sold was 5 OAK TREE CLOSE, this sold on 27 Jan 2023 for £390,000
The postcode for OAK TREE CLOSE is PE27 6UD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
5 OAK TREE CLOSE Semi-Detached £391,045 £390,000 27 Jan 2023
7 OAK TREE CLOSE Semi-Detached £388,300 £380,000 16 Jun 2022
21 OAK TREE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 111 m2 £365,446 £300,000 24 Jul 2020
23 OAK TREE CLOSE Semi-Detached £387,330 £335,000 22 Dec 2020